Tuesday 12 December 2017 | By: Wabeywoo

"When All We Do Is Run Around In Circles"

This is a "pre-new year goals" blog. A full blow by blow review of 2017 will come soon, if I can even remember everything that I did. This past year has been huge and mega busy!

What I want to write about here and now is something that I have done int he past albeit temporarily. I do it for a week and go "yay, go me, look what I've done!" before ending stuck in the same routines I was in before. Inevitably another break will happen and then I am back to where I as before. Rinse, repeat.

I am, of course, talking about the deep dark recesses of the internet called Social Media. In particular, but not restricted to, Facebook.

So what's the problem with Facebook, or indeed Social Media in general?

Firstly, comparison. I sit and compare every aspect of my life to those of everyone else around me. People who are constantly off on holiday when I can count the times I have left the country in my life on one hand. The people with the perfect homes, the perfect bodies. The ones who run marathons, the ones who live thier lives through these carefully constructed photographs that make their lives look 500% more spiritual than me or 500% more exciting.

Then there's the dark side. There's the stories you get bombarded with, the animal abuse images, the child abuse images. Your view points get pounced on when anyone is given any vague opportunity to do so, because they are less important than theirs, my opinions are considered wrong. There are those who post one view point then turn hypocritical in the next. From sad people to sad chickens, it's unending and it's miserable.

The politics, the constant bombardment of information from this country, from America, from small backwaters in Africa you've never heard of, and you're to feel sorry for ever goddamn thing and person and cause on the planet. You've to hate Trump and hate May, or hate Corbyn and hate the "fucking lefties" because no good will ever come of the planet with them in charge.

There are expectations that you will be a certain person, that you should be a certain person. We seek constant approval in our actions and I am no different. From rearranging half of my kitchen to take a picture of a plate of cake or taking 15 selfies to find one that looks half decent to show something I'm wearing, or my new hair colour. Trying to find the side of me that would be half viewed as acceptable.

We seek constant validation that our lives are worth living through likes and emoticons. We sit waiting for comments on that witty status we sat writing for 15 minutes, rewording every little bit so it doesn't come across as too "wrong".

I waste so much time sat there refrehing Facebook, trawlling through my news feed looking for something new to read because it's all out of order. I watch one video, then sit and watch another 6 of some new bullshit Buzzfeed has decided to turn into a major issue in life, followed by another two rants by Russell Howard and a final "Send to All" by Michael McIntyre. Then the evening is gone, wasted. The evening where I was going to sit and finish my book again, where I was going to do that load of washing, wrap those last few Christmas presents, write those cards, spend time doing something that I really want to do. Gone in just a few "minutes" of procrastination.

Facebook and Social Media makes me feel like a zombie, it is not good for me, I don't feel that social media is actually good for anyone.

Daisy Ridley came out recently saying that she deleted her social media in September 2016 and hasn't looked back. This was partly due to the pressure that social media creates. Posting all the time, portraying this perfect sort of life that may or may not exist (lets be honest, life is messy, who really has a perfect life).

All we do is run around in circles, vicious vicious circles of the same shit, day in and day out. Funny cat videos, petitions for another animal abuse thing, another video of refugees from Syria our government is failing, another sleezy dig at women, another stupid quiz, another misquoted dead guy, another fake smile in a selfie because you're feeling "pretty".

I am done running in circles.

As of 1st January 2018 I am deactivating Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and deleting the apps from my phone. I will still have my messenger apps, so if you want me I'll be there.

I'm important. I am the most important thing in my life, because without me, my life wouldn't be mine. My life presently is full of stress, it is full of anxiety and I have periods of darkness where I don't think I will ever see the light. Facebook fuels all of these things. There are moments of light on there, I will admit that. But they are hard to see, and often they're not there at all. It's a distraction from my life that does not serve me.

In 2018 I turn 30. 2018 is going to be the year for me. Facebook is just the first step.
Sunday 26 June 2016 | By: Wabeywoo

My thoughts on "Brexit"

So it has been over 48 hours since the referendum result was announced and the UK seems to be going to hell in a handbasket (one of my favourite metaphors this evening). Cameron has vanished since an appearance at Armed Forces Day, Osborne has been nowhere to be seen and the Leave side have been quietly plotting which idiot is going to rule over us next. Labour appear to be losing shadow cabinet members more frequently than the bus stops at my road end in any given hour.

Where have we been left? Currently, in a country with no effective leadership, parties are collapsing and it feels as if everything is going to be put on hold until everything is caught up around about October.

No one knows where we're going, no one knows what is going to happen and overall it's a very worrying time. Either you are Remain, and in total despair as to what has happened, my friends, family and self included, or you're in the Leave side and almost anxious for the process to start. Unless you are one of the Leave side who now regrets their decision.

A petition has come to light over the last couple of days asking for a change of rules in referendums where if they are under a certain percentage then a second referendum should be held. This petition was started a month before the result by a Leave campaigner as a back-up should things go wrong. Needless to say he's a bit upset at the Remain side having taken it over for their own means. Currently there are over 3 millions signatories, that's after 77 thousand were taken off due to them being fraudulent, so it's still got quite a backing.

I have not signed it.

I'll tell you why.

In these circumstances I do not believe that we need a Second Referendum. Those who are it fall in two camps, those who do not like the outcome, and those who voted leave and "never thought it was going to actually win", and now somehow feel they should get a second chance at voting. Now I knew that there are arguments where the Leave campaign lied or have already backtracked over some of the things they said in their campaign and this is making people angry. It already looks as though those on the Leave campaign are trying to delay the process of initiating Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty by saying that there is "no rush". I believe that they didn't believe that they would win and they are equally as clueless as to what to do with the result as the rest of us are, that and the up coming Conservative party leadership campaign, which is acting as a merry distraction for the time being.

I said to friends earlier that I didn't think a Second Referendum would happen, and it is my opinion that a Second Referendum shouldn't happen. I was asked why.

Because we've had one.  It's been months and months of campaigning, lies and promises from both sides, arguments unanswered or answered wrong. A referendum was held. the outcome not what people wanted but that doesn't mean we should go back and try again. We didn't do that when people were outraged the Tories got in again at the General Election last year, or when it was a hung parliament back in 2010. We can't re-run the lottery numbers just because people didn't win.

It was a democratic process, regardless of the outcome, regardless of the lies that were told during the campaign. Regardless of the fact that people made an uneducated decision and now, after seeing the immediate aftershock, are deeply regretting it. Because people went into this referendum voting to leave the EU because they "Never thought it was actually going to happen." If we go back and have another referendum on this, when else will they want our country to backtrack on democratic processes just because a few million "changed their minds".

The most level headed person I have seen with regard to the outcome of the Referendum is Nicola Sturgeon, First Minster of Scotland and Leader of the SNP. Her party haven't fallen to shit, neither, I point out has the Scottish Conservatives or the Scottish Labour Party. But Nicola has her head screwed on. She knows the outcome is shit, particularly as every single Local Authority region of Scotland voted remain, but they're going to be dragged out kicking and screaming by England and Wales. But she's not sat at home, weeping into her pillow. I've seen her on two different politics programmes today, she knows that she needs to look at every single possible outcome for the Scottish people and figure out what is best. She's already looking at talks with Brussels in relation to the possibility of remaining with the EU or at the very least with a fast tracked entrance. She's looked at a second Independence Referendum based on the fact that the UK they voted to remain in will no longer exist.

Now I back the second Independence Referendum. "But Jen, you just said you didn't think there should be second referendums just because people have change their minds." This is very true, however, I believe there is a strong case for Scotland to have IndyRef2. As Nicola has said, the UK that they voted to stay in is not going to exist after it leaves the EU. Remaining a member of the EU was a very very large bargaining point of the IndyRef1 and may very  well have been what won it for the "Better together" side. I have seen many people on social media saying that if they were given the change to vote again then their no's would become yes's for Independence. And if they do go independent and remain a member of the EU while the rest of Britain does not, then that's another kettle of fish that Scotland and England are going to have to negotiate. Although Nicola remains hopeful that the two countries will remain best friends and will be able to maintain the open border policy. But I strongly believe that IndyRef2 will only happen if Nicola and the SNP or whoever are nearly 100% certain that the vote will go in their favour. But a new case will need to be drawn up, new budgets drawn up and serious talking to be done.

I voted remain, and yes, I was heartbroken on Friday morning when I read that we had voted out. The first word I uttered was "fuck". Then I wept when Cameron left, no because I am a massive right wing supporter, but because I know who the alternatives are and in hindsight, pigs aside, Cameron wasn't that bad. I look at those lined up to take his place and my mind fills with fear and an anxiety I cannot even begin to express. We don't know what is going to happen or who is going to step into the Prime Minster shoes, but either way, they are likely going to be a "Brexiter" (I hate the word Brexit) and while I believe that they will be best placed to lead the departure of the EU, I genuinely fear for what will follow once they get seated.

I am fortunate that the vast majority of my friends, spare one or two, agree with my views and my social media has been full of those as disappointed and upset as I. It's almost been like watching someone go through the seven stages of grief. Some have reached the acceptance stage, but many appear to still be either in the bargaining (signing petitions) or in the depression stage.

I seem to have skipped a few, I am in full on acceptance.

Now don't get me wrong, the situation is utter shite and there have been some extreme behaviours I do not condone at all. The rise in racist incidents for example, perhaps not in a rise of racists but the emboldening of them. Screaming insults at Poles and Muslims alike, those with a slightly different skin tone, head scarf, accent or language are all getting it. The one that shocked me most was the story of a father and son (at least in his twenties, not a child) from Poland. They were discovered face down and unconscious in a street. The person who found them took a picture thinking they were passed out drunk until they saw the blood. Quick thinking, they were put in the recovery position and as the father woke up, all they could say was "english man, english man beat me." The father suffered a broken arm and neck injuries and the sun had facial fractures and a broken nose and jaw. The paramedics said they had been lying there for at least an hour. I can't even begin to comprehend how that could happen. That people would have walked by doing nothing. Perhaps they too thought they were passed out drunk, I don't believe you can tell someone is Polish from the back of their heads. But to think they had been lying there, in their own blood and no one came to help them. Now there is nothing to say that people wouldn't have walked past them before the referendum result, but it already looks as though the communities we have are unravelling at the seams.

While I have reached the acceptance level over the referendum, this, I do not accept.

Despite our wildest dreams the Second Referendum is not likely to happen, we're stuck with what we've got, a time of uncertainty until Article 50 is invoked and then a greater time of darker uncertainty until we hand over the keys back to the EU and press off into ventures new.

But this is an opportunity. This is a time for our voices to be head, and not in the incessant moaning us Brits are remarkable at, but we can push for change. Now is the time to be thinking of the Great Britain it is that we want to have, to protest, to sign petitions and campaign for the causes that we believe deserve the attention. Remember that there is no guarantee that the best bits of the EU will remain, things are going to change and not necessarily for the better. But now is the time to let our voices be heard. So when you get past the bargaining and depression, stop and think what it is you want. Because this is our country, and we will not kowtow to the racists, to Nigal fucking Farage, to Gove or the bumbling idiot Johnson or whoever it ends up being Prime Minster. We are divided but we can unite in the common goal building a fair and equal society, accepting of all regardless of their skin colour, religion or nationality, a country that we can hopefully be proud of again.

So unite the remain with the brexit (I still hate that word), we're not going to do it while we're at each other throats.  It's going to be a long journey, we might not even live to see the end result, but if we can create a better future for our children and our grandchildren, is that not worth it?
Tuesday 26 January 2016 | By: Wabeywoo

"Follow the stars that beckon you through blackened skies"

It's January, and January makes people pretty miserable. It's post Christmas and the fun is gone, chances are you're low on leave and don't feel like there's much to look forward to.

That's kinda how I feel. I know I do have things to look forward to, there's Alton Towers, Camps, Conferences but they all feel so far away. When I'm not in the happiest of jobs at the moment it's making everything lousy and making me feel miserable.

It's nearly Imbolc, a time to unfurl from the winter, to step into the ever increasing light and to purify ourselves following the dark winter times when we've been a bit cooped up. It's a time for healing, a time for looking forward. It's a time to celebrate the early signs of springs, the crocuses and snowdrops, although there are a few daffodils around here too already. It's going to get brighter and warmer and before we know it Ostara/Easter will be here, Beltane and Litha. So lets focus on the positive.

So far this year I have read 4 books and making good progress on my 5th. I've managed to lose 8.5lb since Christmas and I'm pretty pleased with that. I've kept up blogging and even started using my Witchy Blog Witch Ways Now. I still have a lot to do, but it's only the 1st month and there are 11 left.

Hopefully once the funk of winter passes I will pick up on the rest pretty quickly but it's shaking that funk and getting into it!

Next time I write I will have gained a year. Turning 28 on the 31st of the month, hopefully bringing the start of a push of positivity.
Monday 11 January 2016 | By: Wabeywoo

"The Stars Look Very Different Today"

I started out this year feeling really positive, but a week and a day back at work, my outlook is bleak and I don't know how I feel I can achieve everything I want to do this year. I even told myself off for not doing any of my goals yet for 2016, it's only the 11, Jen, give yourself time!!

So let's take a look at what I have achieved so far.

1. I've spoken to two people about articles in different online publications relating to Paganism. I even have ideas for those articles (one of which I had further ideas for earlier) so once I get a bit of spare time I will be getting on with those.

2. I've gone back to Weight Watchers and (all going well) I will be losing at least 3lb tomorrow. That's 3lb of my Christmas weight gone, go me, right?

3. I've started looking into the exercise side of my goals, I am going to need to get myself some decent trainers but at least the thought process is there and research has gone into what trainers I am going to need so I can get on with that too.

4. I've started to plan my evenings so I am making the utter most of them. This week I shall mostly be trying to kickstart a bunch of pagan stuff with doing little bits here and there. Shouldn't be any more than about 30 minutes a night, giving myself Friday to complete anything I wasn't able to complete through the week.

5. I'm cooking more from scratch (ok, not tonight) but I've already made a bunch of healthy dinners for husband and I, so thats another goal I'm working towards.

6. I've painted, it was only a little canvas but it was an idea I wanted to work with for a little hwile now and I've progressed and achieved that. Another step towards another goal.

7. Another thing that isn't a goal but is helping is not being on Whatsapp all the time. It's become my new MSN Messenger (google it kids) and it really rather needs to stop!

8. Successfully blogged again!

I've had a few more ideas on what I want to do for 2016 so the goals are there ticking in the back of my mind but that's about it. I just need to get on with it really. I knew being back to work would be a struggle but I need to try and find a balance, I'll get there :) And I will achieve awesome things.

As a final word I just want to pay tribute to David Bowie. I'm not his largest fan and a lot of his back catalogue I don't know. I know the famous ones that everyone else ever seems to know. But he's a legend, he's always been in the background of my life. I've never quite been able to imagine a world without Bowie.

Goodbye, Major Tom, may God's love be with you.

I don't end with a video of Bowie, but possibly the best tribute to a Bowie song in the most appropriate setting ever. 

Monday 28 December 2015 | By: Wabeywoo

"And So It Ends, It’s Time To Let Go"

Christmas has been and gone, and although it was a quiet affair it was lovely. It was just Andy and I so there were no expectations or too much family. Just us, good food, the seasonal Matrix Trilogy and a fuck tonne of presents.

I am so grateful for all the gifts I got this year. First off, there was a bread maker from my Sister in law, I have already made bread in it and it was delicious! Although my slicing technique certainly requires practice. I received a freestanding mixer, which is something I've wanted for a few years now (Bake Off's fault!) so I'm going to have to break that out soon! Other things I've received include Portal the Board Game, Nimona Graphic Novel, Thor: Goddess of Thunder, a hobby organiser case, DruidCraft Tarot (I've been after this for years), a beautiful Labradorite and Moonstone Pentagram necklace and earrings, Earth, Air, Fire & Water by Scott Cunningham (a follow up to Earth Power I still have to finish...) and a beautiful Steampunk necklace on a heart of lava!

Finally, two days at Alton Towers complete with two nights in a beautiful lodge in their "Enchanted Village" I'm excited! But I have to wait until April, but I think I can cope :)

There are three days left of 2015, and despite the good that came from it, I will be almost glad to see the back of it. Although lots of good came out of it, lots of weddings, Husband and I finally owning our own house, it was a bit naff too.

I've spoken about my anxiety in the past and this year it's come back at times to totally kick my arse. I've not achieved as much as I'd have liked. For example, I am, currently, not even reaching reading 30 books on Goodreads. I'm not even sure a lot of those count really as they are short stories instead of books. I haven't done anything with jewellery really, I've made some as gifts but then it's been put away in the corner. I've lost weight and then I've pretty much gained it all again. I've not done as much exercise, I had started Couch to 5k but my foot hurt so I stopped. I never started again. I haven't gone to any pagan events, I haven't seen a large chunk of my friends, I haven't really been anywhere.

I want all that to change next year, I want shit to get done.

Now as you know, I'm doing my 100 goals for 2016. I've just finished number 50, so I shall present to you my goals from 30 - 50

30. Start a savings account (I am capable of saving, so instead of getting excited about having money and spending it all, it's going into an account for future use/projects/holidays

31. Take better care of myself (Basic things, showering every day, not just when I feel like it, developing a skincare routine, making sure I give myself the time I need for these things!)
32. Go on a Rollercoater at Alton Towers that scares me (which would be about 99.9% of them(
33. Be more thrifty
34. Write poetry (Channel my inner emo Kylo Ren)
35. Do at least one interesting thing a month (like visiting a museum or going somewhere new or trying something new!)
36. Get a tattoo (Something I've been thinking about a lot recently)
37. Do more painting - discover my style (If I have one)
38. Try Watercolours again (I failed in these attempts in the past)
39. Do yoga (I have found a video series on youtube I am going to start doing soon!)
40. Crystal Database Project (This is something I started about 2 years ago, the more crystals I collect the more difficult it's getting!)
41. Say yes to something I wouldn't usually do (within reasons...)
42. Spend a weekend without my laptop or phone. (I'm sure it's possible...I will read, do art, make jewellery and probably fall asleep)
43. Surprise someone with an unexpected gift (why should all my goals be about making me happy?)
44. Buy more art (I want art by Julia Jeffery, Laura Daligan and more by Linda Ravenscroft!)
45. Complete a colouring book (wish me luck)
46. Paint my nails (I do not honestly remember the last time I actually did my nails. At least a year ago, if not longer)
47. Don't buy anything for a month (so somethings are allowed, food for example and I am going to be starting a subscription service I'm allowing myself that. And if I have Amazon vouchers, that's allowed but no money!)
48. Try new things in my favourite restaurants/takeouts (I always have a Balti with Mushroom and Spinach from the Indian and Chicken and Mushroom from the Chinese...there are other things on the menu Jenny!)
49. Make a wedding photo book (I have done ziltch with our wedding photos, that needs to change).
50. Wear more colour! (It's been creeping back into my wardrobe but I would like to get rid of 99.9% of the black!

So I'm half way through, which is pretty good to be honest. 50 more to come up with though which is a little scary but I'm sure we'll get there. There is a big one I'm avoiding putting on my list and avoiding thinking about but 2016 might be the time for it, but we'll see. Progress on that one later I think :)

If I don't see or speak to you before, have a wicked New Year. I will be posting here every two weeks (as agreed in Goal #19) and I promise I will!

2016 is going to be a blast!

Monday 14 December 2015 | By: Wabeywoo

I Vow To Be Courageous, Not Allow Myself Undone

I'm a little early doing a blog for 2016, the year is not yet over, in fact we have a good two and a bit weeks left. However, my plans for 2016 are well under way and I have decided that I am going to blog my plans and goals for the coming year, help hold myself accountable I guess by telling you all.

So to begin with, a few weeks ago I decided to order myself Leonie Dawson's Shining Year in Life Workbook. It's a workbook with different sections on different aspects of your life and it helps you find your goals and work towards them. They are amazing, apparently, and if they are as good as they say they are then 2016 is going to be rocking. As soon as I finish putting my goals in there...still need to figure a few out.

My aim for this time 2016 is to be happy and healthy, something I'm well, lets be honest, not right now. Happy, I am working on, I'm certainly happier about my circumstances than I have been although some areas require major improvement. Healthy? Excuse me while I laugh myself into a heart attack. But it's not just my physical body health. While, yes, I need to lose several pounds I also want to improve my mental health. I've made steps towards it, a couple of weeks ago I attended a course called "Developing Personal Resilience." For me, it came along at the right time, although a few months earlier wouldn't have hurt. This course kinda showed me what people have been telling me all along, that I need to stop worrying, that I need to take the time out for me, to stop stressing over every little detail and to stop fearing things I cannot control.

Yeah, yeah, I know you told me, shush.

So my workbook came the weekend after I did that course and it was perfect timing. I got started straight away, wrote the things that went wrong this year. the things I gained this year (house, yay!) and other such reflective questions.

I won't bore you with the rest of the workbook for now, but what I am going to share is the section called "100 things to do in 2016!". Now, of course I don't have all 100 things in my list yet, but I do currently have 29. So they are:-

  1. Get more pagan articles published (I'm aiming for 2-3 and I know I have 1 getting published so far, so I only have two left to do!)
  2. Fire Walk (This will happen at the camp I'm going to in August, I've done it before and it's fricking amazing!)
  3. Speak publicly about my beliefs (something else I already have in the pipeline...)
  4. Do NaNoWriMo! (And win, maybe)
  5. Read more - Witchy Books in particular (do you have any idea how many books I have? No, neither do I. But I do have 98 Witchy books, and a lot of them are to be read!) 
  6. Have more time for friends I don't see often
  7. Learn Tarot
  8. Take days off just for me (Day in the park, good book, cold drinks, that kinda thing)
  9. Practice my spirituality (this one probably needs a blog of it's own)
  10. Do the Fellowship of Isis course (No, not THAT ISIS)
  11. Do the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids Course
  12. Cook more meals from scratch (I think the changes to Weight Watchers will help with that)
  13. Spend less time on the internet (Unless it's for a genuinely useful reason like researching for courses or articles. Imgur does not count as research, no matter how it's dressed)
  14. Exercise more (more walking, running maybe?)
  15. Stop procrastinating (If something needs done, just fucking do it, Jen!)
  16. Reach 10st 4lb again (I can dream)
  17. Have days out with Andy (Just to prove he is capable of leaving the house)
  18. Have tech free days (Although I will end up watching a dvd with hubby, no laptop, no phone...might die.)
  19. Blog fortnightly (lets see how long this one lasts!)
  20. Plan out my weekly "chores" (lets see how long this one lasts too...)
  21. Read 10 books of my shelf before I buy any new ones (of course this means between now and the 1st January I will be buying all of the books...)
  22. Sell jewellery (I had an offer a few months ago, I think it's time to visit that offer :) )
  23. Change hair colour and style (Yep - red is going babes!)
  24. Learn a new skill (vague as fuck, but I'm sure I can learn something new!)
  25. Go to Glastonbury by myself. (Looking at this as a retreat thing, time spent in the Chalice Wells and Goddess Temple to just chill and re-connect with my spiritual side)
  26. Get a new job that suits me better (All of the yes)
  27. Go to the cinema on my own (Never done it, and why the fuck not?)
  28. Leave the country at least once (Depending on how it goes, going to Scotland may count, but preferably crossing the Channel)
  29. Go somewhere in the UK I've never been before (Because it's sizable, this country of ours, and there's plenty I've never seen)
So that's what I've got so far, if you are good friends reading this, please question me on how I'm getting on monthly, I can bore you with all the details, but hopefully I will be blogging how I'm getting on and you will be able to find out that way. Blogging also comes under useful internetting time...totes.

So along with the workbook I have the planner, which is basically a diary but it has sections to help you plan your goals within your months so I am going to be doing that over the two weeks I have off over Christmas. 

2016 I am going to own you :) 

(And because I like to finish on a musical note, have a song from my album of 2016)

Tuesday 14 April 2015 | By: Wabeywoo

"Running For Her Life"

Today I ran.

Ok, so it wasn't for long and it was with a minute and a half walking between 1 minute running intervals, but I ran.

I'm going to run on Thursday too, and Saturday. The next week it gets harder.

I've run before, a few years ago my husband, then fiancé, and I decided it would be a good idea. Except he was the one that kept time which meant I had to try and catch up. I don't do catching up. Not with legs as short as mine anyway.

We gave up, I think he carried on slightly longer than I did, I had come up with excuses, the pollen count was too high, I sustained an "injury" the last time we went out. I got to week two of a beginners 5k training programme.

The lure of writing has come back to me though. I couldn't tell you what the first thing was that made me want to so it, probably my fitbit, running means extra steps. Then I read Running Like A Girl by Alexandra Hemingsly which I enjoyed immensely and inspired me to investigate more. Basically the book follows her path of beginning running after committing herself to doing the London Marathon. I'm not quite aiming for the Marathon next year, but knowing someone can go from nothing to a Marathon in a year is pretty inspiring.

The 5k plan I followed before was the Beginners Guise on Running World. Perhaps designed for the slighly lighter and slightly more in shape runner than I. So this time I'm on the NHS Couch to 5K plan in hope that it works out better. It has been recommended to me by a few people, friends, my mother-in-law, even a colleague at work brought it up today. I think it's the right plan to go for, although once I hit 5k I'm going to have to look elsewhere!

So today was my first run, I don't think I was going fast but I did overtake some people walking, so there's that. The times when I wanted to stop were conveniently when the audio guide told me to stop and walk. I hope that continues, but I'm not going to put money on it. I was encouraged by a couple of the other girls doing running, one who was doing interval running too so presumably C25K or something similar. She was the same shape as me, big bum, big thighs, but she was going and had the confidence to keep going. So good for her. Maybe I'll catch her up some day.

There are a few things I realised I need as I was going around and will require some degree of saving and purchasing. Some things, a water bottle I can take running, a wristband for holding my Keyes, are inexpensive and I'll probably pick up in Sports Direct. The new trainers I undoubtedly need and proper running clothes, they will need to wait a little while longer. Saving for buying a house is slightly more important than wicking clothes or that £100 pair of Nikes that will suit my feet.

But why do I want to run? Part of it is for health, I want to live for as long as possible and to help that I need to lose weight and running is good for that. So there's that. It's also partly to do with mental health. I've had running recommended so many times on various websites in relation to depression and anxiety. You're forcing yourself outside and getting endorphins and all sorts going. It's pretty much recommended by everyone so I'm hoping it's going to make a difference.

I'm going to take this slow, start with getting to 5K, run that comfortably and maybe even do a charity race or two. Then work my way to 10k then dream about half marathons and full marathons.
I'm thinking of doing a separate blog for running, but I'm yet undecided.

Lets hope I survive Thursday's stint...